Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Falon's Graduation

Just a quick post to say my beautiful and intelligent daughter Falon will be graduating from College this week. I am so proud of her. It seems like just yesterday that Falon was a little girl, I say little girl instead of a Baby because she seemed to by pass most baby things. She always seemed older than what she really was. she walked at 7 months, began talking and by the age of 15 months she was completely potty trained, could recite the ABC's and count to 10 in English and in french. She has always been a go-getter, Very determined to acheive her goals. Well she is one step closer to her latest goal. She wants to be a Doctor. She is now a Clinical Laboratory Scientist and fulltime student. She plans to take her MCats and apply to Medical School this summer. We are planning a big party for her this Saturday. I am a proud parent. My son Jake is a fulltime student at a Technical School, he is going for Auto Collision Repair. Even though he may not feel like it sometimes, I am very proud of him too. He is also very smart and very handsome. I know that he can accomplish all of his goals, all he has to do is work hard and keep the steady course. I am blessed to be the parent of these two special individuals.